OpenSeesH یا نسخه سفارشی خانه OpenSees

15 بازدید

برای دانلود فایل نصب OpenSees ارائه شده توسط خانه OpenSees اینجا را کلیک کنید.

برای مشاهده سورس کد OpenSeesH یا همان نسخه سفارشی OpenSees ارائه شده توسط خانه OpenSees می توانید به صفحه این خانه در سایت GitHub مراجعه کنید.

این سورس کد توسط دکتر سیدعلیرضا جلالی از مجموعه عمران علم افزار مدیریت می شود
آخرین تغییرات در نسخه اپنسیس دانشگاه برکلی-کالیفرنیا به صورت هفتگی در این نسخه اعمال می شود
بنابراین، با استفاده از فایل باینری این مجموعه, علاوه بر دسترسی سریع به تغییرات نسخه دانشگاه برکلی-کالیفرنیا
(که هر چند ماه یک بار در وبسایت آن مجموعه بروزرسانی می شود)
از قابلیتهای اضافه شده توسط این مجموعه به اپنسیس نیز بهره مند خواهید شد
برای ارسال هر گونه سؤال و یا پیشنهاد با ما از طریق ایمیل زیر در ارتباط باشید

با تشکر
سیدعلیرضا جلالی

This source code is managed by Dr. SA Jalali from civil-soft-science (CSS) organization, Iran. The lastest modifications applied to the
official version of OpenSees (managed by the University of California, Berkeley) are added to this source code in a weekly manner.
Therefore, the binary file distributed by CSS reflects the up-to-week version of that repository (which is released every several month
by the official managers). In addition, many valuable capabilities are added and important bugs are removed by effort of CSS staff.
For asking any questions related to CSS-OpenSees, recieving the latest built OpenSees.exe file or suggesting any changes please send email
or visit us at: (English) or (Persian)

Thanks and Regards,
SA Jalali

Change log

Dec. 21 2019 (SA Jalali)
Bug removed: Steel05 usage in database command
Bug removed: Node initialization related to energy computations for use with database command
Command added: remove loadPatterns : removes all previous loadPattern objects
Behaviour changed: remove element -> element references are removed from all recorder and loadPattern objects referring to the removed element
Dec. 1 2019 (SA Jalali)
added new Node Recorder options: “motionEnergy”, “kineticEnergy” and “dampingEnergy”
Nov. 3 2019 (SA Jalali)
Bug removed: in case OpenSees failed to open a file for writing due to lack of path, no error was detected and data
could not be saved. Now, the error is identified and the used is informed by showing appropriate message
Bug removed: “energy” option led to OpenSees failure when used for forceBeamColumn3d element.
Updated README formatting
Oct. 28 2019 (SA Jalali)
updating project settings to ignore browse information in debug mode
The changes in browse information caused re-build of the projects even if no changes were made.
Oct. 28 2019 (SA Jalali)
updating Steel05 UniaxialMaterial for smooth desend Oct.
A smooth transition curve with the same R values as those used for the previous transition curve was
added for the descending branch. The tangent history curve is now continuous in all range of strains.
Oct. 28 2019 (SA Jalali)
adding Steel05 UniaxialMaterial
A “Bilinear” version of Menegotto-Pinto Model that accounts for Cyclic and In-cycle deterioration modes
The model best works when the transition curve uses a constant R value by omitting cR1 and cR2.
To achieve this, use cR1=0 and cR2=0 values.
In-cycle deterioration is accounted for by adding a descending branch with E=postCapEFacE at eps= ductiliCapacityFy/E. This branch ends to a residual plateau at Sigma = resFac*Fy.
The cyclic deterioration uses Rahnama-Krawinkler model that is based on hysteretic energies dissipated
at positive and negative excursions to deteriorate positive and negative Fy’s, respectively.

    Material Command:
    UniaxialMaterial Steel05 $matTag $Fy $E $b $ductilCapacity $postCapEFac $gama $c $resFac <$R0 $cR1 $cR2> <$a1 $a2 $a3 $a4> <$sigInit>

Oct. 16 2019 (SA Jalali)
adding logCommands command
reflects the OpenSees commands into a text file or/and the command window
syntax: logCommands [-file $file ] [-echo] [-stop]
$file: output text file name (.ops will be appended to file name) (defualt:commandsLog)
-echo: starts echoing commands into command window
-stop: stops command logging previously started by the command
Note: the command can be successively issued to change the options.
Oct. 16 2019 (SA Jalali)
removing bugs of getRecorder() method of domain and geRecorderValue of some recorder objects
Oct. 15 2019 (SA Jalali)
removing ShallowFoundationGen bugs
Now correctly accountes for the center node coordinates in generating soil nodes. (0,0) was used previously.
The column base node was used instead of the newly generated node in definition of foundation beams; the related
equalDOF command was also removed.

Oct. 15 2019 (SA Jalali)
eliminated an unnecessary warning message in EPPGapMaterial constructor.
removed a minor bug in FSAM::betaf4()
removed a minor bug in SFI_MVLEM::setDomain()
removed a bug in joint2d constructor that prevented utization of database command
optimized PlainHandler::handle() for handling MP_Constraint objects
updated OPS_EqualDOF() and OPS_EqualDOF_Mixed() to set IsDiagonal fileld of constraint Matrix to 1
Oct. 14 2019 (SA Jalali)
added new field IsDiagonal to Matrix class to get rid of member-by-member check
updated previous energy recording modifications to respond correctly to database commands
added new ductility and maxDuctility options to material and Section objects respectively
Oct. 11 2019 (SA Jalali)
added ResidNode, ResidDrift and ResidElement recorders
These recorders are used for recording the residual response of structure at the end of an analysis. In lack of this ability,
user needs to record the full history of response. This recorder is also useful for recording dissipated energy since it is a
cumulutaive parameter and its value should be read at the end of analysis. Example for using this recorder option was added to
“EXAMPLES/CSS-OpenSees Examples/ResidRecorderTest”

added internalForce ElementRecorder option
Currently implemented for elements: ElasticBeam2d/3d and ElasticTimoshenkoBeam3d. More elements will be included later.
To use this option, enter "InternalForce $locRat" as argument to "recorder Element" or "recorder EnvelopeElement" commands
where 0<$locaRat<1 denotes the section location. The outputs include 3 and 6 internal force components in 2-d and 3-d models,
respectively. The order of forces follows local x->y->z axes and forces->moments.
Example for using this recorder option was added to "EXAMPLES/CSS-OpenSees Examples/InternalForce Recorder" for 2-d and 3-d
cases. Using this option is required for design-purpose utilization of OpenSees.

Oct. 11 2019 (SA Jalali)
This branch was forked from

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